Thursday, March 16, 2017

Destination unknown

The power of fantasy, imagination, and creativity takes us far beyond the ordinary, and gifts us with experiences, relationships, and connections we might otherwise never know.
-Zola Zsun 

Like a lot of people, one of my favorite things to do in Second Life is explore. I think part of why this is such a beloved pastime is because this virtual world is user-generated and  therefor we'll never know what all is out there unless we wander the grid and seek to discover it. I've seen everything from breathtaking lifelike landscapes to laughably outdated monstrosities of indeterminable purpose and I've only scratched the surface. So far I've managed to gather a small collection of sims which were clearly created with photography in mind and because I can't create, I share. So here's the first in what I hope to be a monthly series of destination posts aimed to inform others who like to explore and take pictures and to help the wonderful designers and builders in Second Life keep their creations alive.

From the Destinations album, one of the more eclectic sims I've found recently is Fort Stygian - the Keeper's located here.

Friday, March 10, 2017


I am not a fashion blogger. There are enough of those already, not to mention the fact that I know nothing about fashion. In real life I tend to go for simple, understated and cheap and I hate shopping. I don't like sales people or the ridiculous amount charged for decent clothes or crowds or lines at the register or finding parking yada yada yada.

Second Life however, is a whole other story. It would be hard to keep a blog of my experiences in world without mentioning my obsession for shopping! I love it almost as much as I love exploring or dancing or taking pictures or hanging out or photobombing random strangers. I especially love new releases, so it goes without saying that I'll be posting some of them here.

Behold, my first "fashion" post:

Hair: Truth - Zoya (March VIP group gift)
Top: Blueberry - Loli (March C88)
Pants: Blueberry - Gracie
Shoes: Reign - Monetti
Body: Maitreya Lara
Head: LAQ - Maxine
Skin: W.O.W - Jayma
Accessories: .:E:A:Studio: Piercing Kessemer Belly, .:E:A:Studio: Earring Horn Lucky Charm Black

Friday, March 3, 2017

Gacha, sucker!

My first experience with gachas in world was paying a machine 25L thinking I was going to get everything in the picture (mostly household items). Instead I found in my inventory one useless little thing which could only be described as terrifying. It had beady eyes and what I assume was supposed to be fur and a tail. Already smarting from the frustration of trying to figure out how to get the little demon out of the multiple layers of packaging some clearly warped toy maker no doubt found hilarious, I deleted it. Then I told a person standing nearby what a ripoff it was and that the owner of the store had tricked me into paying good money for garbage with no discernible purpose. She explained that I'd just unwittingly participated in something called a gacha, and said how they were super fun and addictive. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to funnel money into a machine that was likely rigged to only spit out the gift with the least amount of value and likability. 

Ok, so I'm not even going to try and explain how I had forgotten those quarter prize machines that used to draw me in like little metal pied pipers for the first twelve years of my life, siphoning my meager allowance coin by coin and the sheer joy it brought when I finally completed a set. All I could think of gachas then was what a stupid waste of money they were and how they were designed to prey on those with weak impulse control. From that moment forward I avoided them. I even questioned the judgement of those who admitted to spending ungodly amounts of lindens on them, insisting that I'm all grown up now and too practical to fall for that nonsense.

Fast forward just a few months and the anticipation of the latest round of the Arcade was killing me. I already had a list of machines I was going to play and how much I was going to put into them. I had even devised my own rules for 'fool proof success'. I spent 45 minutes on the first morning, trying to do homework while listening to the whoosh-DING! of failed TP attempts via my TP Hammer. I felt a little rush of childlike glee when the sounds finally stopped, indicating that I had arrived at the event. I then joyfully clicked and clicked for a good hour, carefully scanning the room several times to make sure I didn't miss any of the machines on my list. And why this sudden turn around, you ask? Because Blueberry.

I now meekly concede that gachas are in fact super fun and addicting and that once again, Second Life has humbled me by revealing elements of my character I had previously refused to believe existed. 

Again, I blame Blueberry. Giggity.

Blueberry - Iconic Doll Set (@ the Arcade)
Hair - Truth - Delaney
Body - Maitreya
Head - LAQ - Maxine
Louane's World