Sunday, November 5, 2017

#SecondLifeChallenge - Google your Second Life avatar

I remember Googling myself a while back and feeling like I was entering a strange unknown world when I saw things about me I barely remembered and some I didn't even know about. There was a picture of me in the background at a work picnic that I had never seen before. I looked bored as hell. My supervisor had tagged everyone. I remember the thing that seemed to bother me the most was that my purse was open beside me and you could see my cigarettes in there. 

Moving on, here is Berry's latest Second Life Challenge. 

Google your Second Life name in “quotations” and share your results. 

1. What are the first 5 links that come up? 
My twitter, a Facebook post from June announcing my win for Powder Pack Princess, my flickr page, the Bish Box flickr group (likely because my photo was chosen as the group cover right before the group was closed) and what I assume is my profile on the Second Life forums.

2. Click on the “Images” tab and tell us where the first 5 images are from. 
The first one is the first "real photo" I ever took in December '16 and the others are all from blog posts I've taken since June of this year.

3. Click on the “Videos” tab and share your results, if any. 
There are only 2 there and they are both Strawberry Singh's videos which I commented on.  

4. Click on the “News” tab and share your results, if any
No news is good news

5. Did any of the results surprise you? 
Not really. Since LadyEllenT has only existed for little over a year there isn't much I don't remember yet.

5. Are you satisfied with your results or wish they were different in any way? 
Would have been nice if my old forum posts were more buried. Remnants of my silly noobishness.

As for the Berry ChatBot, I asked it "what shall I spew in?" and she replied: "how much does it cost?".  
Then I asked why her voice sounded like my nightmares and she said creepily: "perhaps it is just fate.".

I'm going to play with it some more later since it's past my bedtime. You can read more about Berry's Second Life challenge here.

photo credits:
[hair] Truth - Bexley
[top] Blueberry - Poppy Jacket (NEW @ the main store)
[pants] Blueberry - Poppy Leggings (NEW @ the main store)
[body] Maitreya
[head] Catwa - Catya
[pose] Belle Poses - Lady Crow 4 (modified to straighten my left arm)

taken @ Land of Owls by Cica Ghost

1 comment:

  1. LOL I laughed out loud at perhaps it's just fate! Thanks for playing again Ellen!
