Saturday, November 25, 2017

If you are a dreamer, come in...

If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in! 
Come in!
-Shel Siverstein

I have so many fond childhood memories of Shel Silverstein. My worn copy of Where the Sidewalk Ends used to have a permanent spot under my bed in case I wanted to thumb thru it before going to sleep. The set by Echo totally reminded me of that book. It has a large chest you can sit in and pull the blankets over you and as soon as I saw it, I was tempted to look him up on Amazon. The kid in me wanted to curl up in the armoire and pull the doors closed after me.

(NEW @ Uber) ::main sim::  ::cam sim::
Echo - Under the Stars - Linen Chest 
Echo - Under the Stars - Armoire 
Echo - Under the Stars - Bench - PG 
Echo- Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Rose Gold (multiple)
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Bronze
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Burned
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Distressed Copper
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Iron
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Painted Black
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Silver
Echo - Under the Stars - Wall Medallion - Speckled Steel

other decor
LAGOM - FairyGrass [Seasonstory Gift]
Kalopsia - Curtains - Chevron Beige
Apple Fall Farrow Garden Wall Stepped
JIAN Pecking Placer Birds (from Jian Cozy Birdhouse)

second pic
[hair] Truth - Lazy Sunday gacha
[PJs] Tres Blah - Slumber Party Pj's RARE
Echo - Under the Stars - Linen Chest 

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