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I've been posting on this blog for a while but it wasn't until a few months ago that I officially started blogging for stores. Since then, my Second Life experience has changed quite a lot. I've always enjoyed taking pictures of the fruits of my various shopping sprees but since I've been blogging officially, I've been challenged creatively in ways I may never have challenged myself. As a result, I've grown and gained confidence in my work which may not have happened, had I just continued staying in the safe zone of what I want, when I want. I've also become immersed in the blogging community thru Facebook and flickr and have discovered a lot of very talented people who support me and inspire me every day. There aren't a lot of people who really know me so I'm not sure how surprising or interesting any of this will be but here goes...
My seven Second Life facts:
1. Although I'm very active and in chat groups in world and on social media and have made a lot of friends here, I often prefer to be alone in the quiet of my home or my platform in the sky, building blog scenes. That's where I usually am and what I'm doing most days when I'm chatting up a storm. Even before I started blogging I spent most of my time sim-hopping by myself and taking pictures or sitting around at home while chatting.
2. I enjoy organizing my inventory. Since day one I've always kept it at least somewhat sorted - a folder for everything and everything it its folder. A few months ago I discovered I was pushing 20K items after having been in world for less than a year and that there were so many things I didn't need or use any more, like duplicate landmarks, thank you notecards and sizes I'll never wear. At that point I happily spent HOURS a day for a few weeks deleting all those unnecessary things and making my folders and subfolders even more tidy. And I enjoyed it immensely - I even wish I could sort and clean others' inventories for them!
3. In Second Life I mainly interact with women. Its very rare that I have any contact with men aside from a couple male friends I check in with from time to time, both of whom are guys I dated briefly in the early days. What's interesting about this is that in real life, I'm much more comfortable around men and have very few female friends. In world I connect with women effortlessly while in the real world it has always been a struggle for me. Which is why the next fact might be understandable.
4. Back in December, when I was still quite new, I used my alt to work at a strip club - and damn was it profitable! I quit a couple months later when the club closed down and I realized it was taking up too much time I could have been spending doing all the things I had grown to love about Second Life. I have no desire to get a job and prefer to spend my own money even when funds are low. On a side note, I'm pretty sure that's what caused me to become a shopaholic.
5. I go on gacha sprees and then give them all away. I shudder to think of how much I've spent on those little demon machines. In the past, I've pulled and pulled until I would get a complete set, take a picture wearing or using said set and then it would gather dust in my inventory. One of my subfolders is titled "gachas to share" and I often like playing santa clause with them, rares and all. A couple months ago I decided they weren't going fast enough and in the spirit of keeping things tidy, I took screenshots of the folder and posted it in my favorite groups, offering up anything to anyone, first come, first serve for free. I gave away complete sets in every color of all the Blueberry gachas since December '16 and many many others. It was so much fun! I don't like the idea of selling my gachas even if I were to charge only pull price for each item. It feels wrong to me somehow. That said, I don't judge anyone for doing it (unless they mark them up ridiculously), it's just not my thing.
6. I've never ever been lucky with contests and drawings in real life but in Second Life, I've won a ton of shit! I'll try to list them all here but I'm sure I'll forget some things:
-three Powder Packs
-a BishBox
-around 8-10 gift cards from various popular stores
-a Deco(c)rate
-a total of 4200L in cash drawings
-also, I always seem to win the MM boards
7. Contrary to how I live my real life, in Second Life I'm a bonafide shopaholic. Also contrary to my real life, I rarely wear the same thing twice unless its a quick-change essential piece like my favorite pair of jeans etc and I pretty much never wear the same entire outfit twice. I shop almost daily and don't save outfits for that reason.
I know this post was long but I'm a writer at heart and just can't help myself. I do appreciate anyone who read it all. I don't get many views on this thing and most people don't even seem to notice there's a link to it in all my photos on flickr, so thanks for reading! ❤❤❤
[hair] Truth - Athena (September VIP group gift - still available free for VIPs!)
[top] Blueberry - Lace Top Free Gift
[jacket] Addams - Biker Jacket
[pants] Tetra - Skinny Zip Capris (Fifty Linden Friday Oct 6)
[shoes] Roc - Martens Boot
[pose] Lagom - Run (@ Salem)
Spooky Tree(s) - Jian (@ Salem)
Raven - Jian - Raven Collection (@ Salem)
Trellis Lantern - DDD
Wild Grass - Studio Skye
Mist Clouds - Anc
gravestones and corpse arms unlinked from the Lagom Necrophobia backdrop (@ Salem)
In case you're wondering what the #SecondLifeChallenge is, click here for info.