Sunday, September 17, 2017


[hair] Truth - Lady
[tat] Identity Body Shop - Remember Me (@ the Hidden Chapter of Chapter Four)
[top] Narcodix - Blair Top (September Luxe box)
[skirt] Foxes - Ally Skirt (September Luxe box)
[piercing] Eclipse Art (EA Studio) - Kessemer
[body] Maitreya
[head] Catwa - Lona
[skin] Pumec - Sally - February (September Powder Pack)
[pose] Tuty's - Blow Up Female no 17

Trompe Loeil - Xeni Couch
Trompe Loeil - Wood and Metal Endtable Poplar
Trompe Loeil - Balance Lamp
PILOT - Phone w/ Earbuds
Dutchie - Euro Coins (group gift)

Identity Body Shop:
main store